
LA Beaches:


Dog Beach - Dogs on the Beach
Off-Leash Dog Beaches
Belmont Shore Dog Beach
In Los Angeles County, dogs are only allowed without a leash in a special section of Belmont Shore (east of Long Beach).
The Long Beach off-leash Dog Zone is a 3-acre, non-fenced site in Belmont Shore. Hours are 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. - 7 days a week. It's only allowed between Argonne and Roycroft avenues in Belmont Shore. NOTE: Only one dog per adult. This is the only legal, off-leash dog beach in LA County.
Palos Verdes Dog Beach
Another popular dog beach in L.A. County, which appears to not ticket for dogs (no guarantees), and always has about 15 dogs romping in the waves, is at the south side of Palos Verdes. Free parking is at the Trump Golf Course beach parking lot. You have to walk about a mile down to the beach, and there's no sand with lots of big pebbles, but dogs romp everywhere.
Huntington Beach Dog Beach
The Huntington Beach Dog Beach allows dogs off-leash on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) between 21st St. and Seapoint St.; the physical address is 100 Goldenwest St., 92648. It's open 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Dogs may be off-leash in the water and on the wet sand -- It's three quarters of a mile long
Dog Beaches near San Diego
Coronado - Dog Beach
It's located At the north end of the beach, next to the Naval Air Station, on Ocean Blvd. near Sunset Park.
Del Mar - Dog Beach
Off-leash is only September to June . Parking is a problem - expired meters are ticketed promptly . Camino del Mar.
San Diego Dog Beach - Fiesta Island - Mission Bay
Most of this large sandy island in Mission Bay is designated leash-free for dogs and a fenced in area is provided about 3/4 way around the one-way road that circles the island for dogs that need to be contained. This area is 3+ square miles with the beach on one side and lots of room to run and trails to follow before you reach the fence that runs along the road. Lots of sandy dunes to romp in, and the calm bay waters lets the more adventurous dogs take a quick dip. Gates close approx. 10 p.m.
San Diego Dog Beach - Ocean Beach
On northern Ocean Beach, Dog Beach is the original dog beach and very popular. It's located west of the San Diego River Floodway (aka Ocean Beach Flood Control Channel). It has lots of great sand and surf to roll in, Ocean Beach Dog Beach is a great beach to bring your dog, or just watch dogs be dogs in surf and sand. Open 24 hours.
On-Leash Dog Beach in Malibu
Malibu - Leo Carrillo State Beach
This state beach allows leashed dogs. They are not allowed between towers two and three (the busiest part of the beach). Go North on PCH towards Oxnard until you get to El Matador and Leo Carillo State Beaches. 818/706-1310
Dog Parks
For a list of Dog Parks, go to also has lots on Dogs Zones.
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